Sunday, January 16, 2011

Coffee AM

I Need My Coffee AM

I so relate to this. How many times has this happened to me? More than it should have. Think about it. This should only happen to a person one time and then they should know the next time they are trying to get their coffee AM fix what the sizes are. Right? Wrong! Come on, it's our coffee AM fix. There is a very important reason for me to be hunting down my coffee AM fix: I can not function until I have had my coffee AM fix.

If Small is Tall Then Large is Grande?

So, I understand that stores like to customize their stuff but shouldn't they make it easier to get your coffee AM fix? It gets even worse if you don't always go to the same brand of coffee shop. Each company seems to find a new and improved way to confuse its coffee AM fix seekers. Even within each company, coffee AM users will find that they keep making changes to try to get you to spend more. I noticed that in March of 2010 Starbucks was testing a new even larger size, the "Trenta," a whopping 32 ounces.

Why Can't I Just Get A Cup Of Coffee?

Here I am, driving around, trying to get my coffee AM fix, and I need to speak Italian to get it?! Don't get me wrong, I love Starbuck and the other chains. They do make some great coffee AM options. It's just that when I have forgotten to make my coffee AM fix at home, I do have my own espresso maker, and I am out running errands or driving long distance, I can't really process all that information in order to order my coffee AM fix (yes, that was on purpose!). I also can't seem to get my recall button to work in order to order my regular coffee AM specialty--Venti Caramel Macchiato Hot with Half-n-half and whipped cream. That's right, I finally decided to memorize one coffee AM choice so I am not like this poor woman in this video. What a great idea, you say! Of course, it came AFTER I had my coffee AM fix one day and had to order it myself since my husband wasn't there with me (that's correct, I make my husband order for me most of the time since I hate the pressure of all the choices and the smells and the people waiting and the music I just want to sing to and the ecstasy of being away from home with my husband and no children...).

Plan Ahead

Yep, that's the way to get your coffee AM fix with out the stress: Plan Ahead. Now, as I already said, you may be like me and not be able to find the recall button, so don't just trust your memory. Make a note in your cell phone note tool of your #1 coffee AM beverage choice, or get one of those business cards and write down your #1 coffee AM drink and keep it in your wallet, or even better yet, sharpie it on your wallet or on your purse or on your credit card. Best idea I have, record your voice ordering your next coffee AM fix correctly, either on your phone or a recording device of your choosing, and keep it with you always!